Bob Rickert » Grading Policy

Grading Policy

I teach ELA.  Ms. Dietz teaches Math, Science, and Social Studies.  Please see schedule page to view block times.  Please remember to contact the teacher of the subject you have a question about.
Grading Scale
90-100% = A
80-89%= B
70-79%= C
60-69% = D
59% or below = F

Re-do Policy

If a student scores below a 60% on a graded assignment, it will be marked "Re-do" with a due date one week from the day they received that grade. Redos must be completed in colored pencil.  They do not erase their original answers. They will be given the opportunity to correct their mistakes, at school and/or at home, for full credit to improve their original grade. If they do not return it to the teacher, they will receive the original grade. Students earning a grade of 60% or higher may also complete a re-do upon request, at school and or/at home, to correct their mistakes for full credit. They have one week from the date they received their grade to do so.

Re-take Policy

If a student scores below a 60% on an assessment, they are REQUIRED to re-take that assessment approximately one week after the date they received their grade.  Students will NOT be allowed to bring their test home to study from before the re-take. They will receive full credit for all corrected mistakes. Students earning a grade of 60% or higher may also re-take an assessment upon request. They will re-take the assessment, to correct mistakes for full credit, approximately one week after they received their grade.


Bonus Points

Throughout the year, students will have the opportunity to receive bonus points on assignments. These opportunities typically include completing extra problems on an assignment or getting a Study Guide for an assessment signed by a guardian. All bonus point opportunities must be handed in ON TIME in order for students to receive credit.