At John Colemon Elementary, we will continue to focus on the JCE Essential Ten while also implementing Response to Instruction and Intervention for Behavior (RTI2-B). To maximize the program’s success, we are providing parents with information regarding our RTI2-B plan.
What is RTI2-B?
RTI2-B refers to a school-wide plan on behavior support involving a three-tiered model. We will be implementing the first tier of RTI2-B which is a school-wide behavior plan. Students will be taught school-wide expectations and will be able to practice these expectations while receiving behavior instruction. In addition to behavior-specific praise, students may receive Cougar Cash and/or House points when engaged in the expected behaviors.
What is the goal of RTI2-B?
The purpose of the JCE RTI2-B plan is to help each student develop self-discipline to make good choices and to improve our school culture and climate. We will be recognizing students for displaying our three behavioral expectations also known as Cougar Characteristics:
“Cougar Characteristics”
(1) Be Respectful
(2) Be Responsible
(3) Be Safe
Please click on the links below to find more information.