Dr. Dr. Kelley Coulter » 5th grade ELA

5th grade ELA

I have listed some things you can do to practice your reading skills. I hope you enjoy these things. 
You can:
- Read an article out of a magazine and make a list of all the vowel team words
- Read an article and write a capsule summary about the article
- Use these skill words to write your own story (don't forget to illustrate it)
ate, Jake, Kate, lake, make, name, place, safe, take, waking, waved
- Use the Learning A-Z link (on the link page) to print a passage and time yourself for one minute and mark how far you got. Keep doing this all week and see how you progress throughout the week. Remember to build your vocabulary by marking words you don't know and look them up in a dictionary or on a phone to learn what the word means.
- Read the following passage as your fluency for the week: 
It was winter, and every day it seemed to get colder. The water  froze solid in the puddles outside, and people had to be careful where  they walked so as not to slip and fall. When Marta left her house in the  morning to walk to school, she hurried because it was so cold. She wore  her warmest clothes, but they did not help very much. Marta still  shivered the entire way to school. Sometimes, it felt as though she would  never be warm enough. By the time Marta got to school, she was usually  so freezing that she had trouble unzipping her backpack. Her fingers did  not want to work. They were too cold.  115
One day, Marta’s teacher noticed that she seemed to be having  trouble in the mornings. When she asked Marta why she could not hold  her pencil easily she learned that Marta was too cold. The teacher  wanted to help. She knew of a store in town that sometimes gave new  warm clothes to students who needed them in the winter months. She  went to the store to ask if they could help Marta. She explained that her  student was so cold she could not hold her pencil in the mornings. The  people in the store said they would love to assist. They gave the teacher  a thick wool sweater and some mittens to give to Marta. When Marta put  the sweater on the next day, she smiled a tremendous smile. She was so  warm that she was almost hot!  254 
- Write a new ending for this story
- Read the following story making a list of short vowels, long vowels, and blends:
  It is time for the bike race. "I hope I win," Jane tells Mom.
  "Ride fast and ride in a lane," Mom tells Jane. "I will be at the gate."
  Nine kids line up at the gate. Mr. Duke tells the rules. Mr. Duke yells, "Ride!"
  The race is five miles. Jane rides fast. Then came a slope. Jane uses her brakes.
  Now it is flat. It is Jane's time to win! It is close! Jane rides and rides. But Jane, June, and Dale are nose to nose.
  Jane spots Mom at the gate. "I did it! I came in second!" she tells Mom. Mom smiles and waves.
- Use the Learning A-Z link (on the link page) to print a story and do the activities that go along with it
- Practice your sight words by using the link on the link page for Dolch words
- Also, check out my links page for other ideas for learning fun.
Have fun doing these things!